Passengers elevators
Elevators for your apartment building from 6 passengers. Assembled with imported Montanari and Sicor machines. That adapt to the pit of your building. Delivered in a period of 3 to 4 months, that includes the importation, installation and certification of the NTC 5926-1 standard. With the security of 4-year guarantee and compliance with the RETIE electrical installations standard.
Machine room (MR)
Make better use of space and install the largest cabins with machine room elevators. Which are easy and quick to install. Its engineering is based on a 1: 1 movement system, that is, the movement is transmitted directly from the cabin to the counterweight, without the need for auxiliary pulleys.
Traction machines
Traditional (SILVER)
Las máquinas de tracción tradicionales son rápidas de instalar. Sistema de corona y sinfín que engranan para generar el movimiento de la polea de tracción. Confiables y seguras, hasta hace muy pocos años eran el sistema más utilizado para instaalr ascensores en el mundo.
Machine roomless (MRL)
Make better use of space and save on construction works. MRL (machine room less) machines are environmentally sustainable, as their engineering is based on a 2: 1 system which allows the loads on the machine to be reduced by 30% compared to a 1: 1 system.
Traction machines
Gearless (GOLD)
Save energy and space while your trips are now quieter, always ensuring your peace of mind. Gearless machines make the transfer of energy and the concept of movement more efficient, since their engineering does not have gears that generate noise and high maintenance costs due to the change of worn parts.
Control Panel and Buttons
Panel control A1
Easy to use, extremely sensitive and resistant to heavy traffic.
The A1 control panel is designed in a single stainless steel frame that easily attaches to your cabin.
There is easy to remove, clean and also comes integrated with high traffic braille buttons with LED indicators. -
Ensuring you the most resistant and reliable pushbuttons on the market.
This panel control also has an extremely reliable LCD indicator system.
Panel control A2
Panel control that not only look good, but also incorporate a rescue and control system from the cabin.
- Allowing you to use the elevator or lock it directly from the inside and the security of it.
Its design is from floor to ceiling, that is, it is attached to the structure of the cabin, eliminating edges and overlaps.
This control panel also has an extremely reliable LCD indicator system.
- Ensuring you the most resistant and reliable pushbuttons on the market.
Button 1
Easy to use, extremely sensitive and resistant to heavy traffic.
- The type 1 buttons will allow you to easily visualize when your elevator receives the call, they have an LED indicator and a braille writing system. They have been tested in clinics, hospitals and shopping centers showing great resistance and durability over time.
Button 2
The reliability and safety of type 2 pushbuttons come to your elevator.
- They have an exclusive circular surface to press the elevator call.
In addition, you can identify the floor with a Braille surface to the left of the button, complying with Colombian technical standard NTC 6047 (Accessibility to the physical environment). It has never been so easy to locate the floor you are going to on the button panel of your elevator.
Control Panel
Electronic system to manage, automate and program the movement of the elevator, within its components is the speed variator and PLC.